Schumer and Wintour swap roles in Vogue promo

Amy Schumer is well known for her comic timing and razor-sharp wit. But it was her hilarious impersonation of Anna Wintour, the editor of American Vogue, that has got her fans talking today. The video is all part of a fun marketing campaign which will see Schumer feature in the latest edition of Vogue.

Before she appears as Wintour, both can be seen engaging in a comedic skit with Amy playing the dowdy comedian and Anna the bitchy fashion editor. Wintour sarcastically quips ‘Amy I really don’t want to play the icy Vogue editor’, in reference to Amy’s plain grey t-shirt. After some mutual flattery, the pair agree to switch roles at which point Amy dons Wintour’s trademark sunglasses and is heard making quips about the fashion industry.

While Amy gets comfortable commenting of a pair of identical jumpers, Wintour heads off to the Comedy clubs where she comically requests to be introduced with the line ‘I am Anna Wintour. ‘I’m editor of Vogue, and I do clubs and colleges.’

This will be Schumer’s first appearance in the magazine with many applauding her presence given that the publication often only features very thin models and high profile figures.

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