Charlie Sheen promotes new condom

Last November Charlie Sheen, the highest paid actor in America, revealed that he is HIV-positive. But it seems the star is embracing his status and using it for good by becoming the face of a new condom. In a video promotion for the new condom, the Two and a Half Men star speaks candidly about the misconceptions people have about contracting the disease and urges people to wear a condom.

He said ‘I think people associate the word condom with less pleasure, with less connection. What may feel like five seconds of inconvenience or a halted, or thwarted moment can absolutely prevent a lifetime of potential grief and suffering.’ The new condom, which is made by Lelo Hex, has said that it is one of the most revolutionary condoms ever made in that it offers maximum safety without reducing pleasure.

He has also spoken of his pride in the fact that after he announced his status searches about the disease on the internet were at an all time high and he credits his openness for creating a dialogue about the issue. The actor went through a very public meltdown was saw his private life regularly discussed in the media, with Sheen becoming for his antics which included prostitutes and drugs.


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