There are no fans quite like One Direction fans and they have once again proved their dedication after expressing concerns for Liam Payne’s health after he posting a gaunt picture on his Instagram. The social media meltdown came after the singer posted a picture of his face after a workout in the gym on Thursday. The Live While We’re Young singer looks shocking thin in the recent snap.
The worried concerns ranged from fans saying that they were ‘afraid’ to encouraging Liam to look after himself because ‘your health is important. YOU’RE important.’ The star who rose to fame on the British version of the X-Factor recently spoke to the gay publication Attitude about insecurities over his weight. He said ‘I started drinking a lot and I began to get a bit tubbier, in fact, because of that I was getting fat jibes all the time, which hurt me.’
Though he need not worry about getting attention from the girls who are still very much interested in the hot young star. Not least singer Cheryl Cole, who herself found fame on a TV talent show, who Liam has been dating for the past several months.