Are Tom and Taylor really dating?

Well, it’s official, Tom Hiddleston is in love with Taylor Swift. And how do we know? Well, he has the t-shirt to prove it. They have been spotted several times over the last few weeks, with some even speculating that their relationship is only for the cameras but the latest sighting is the weirdest yet.

The pair were seen cavorting near the singer’s $17 million mansion in Rhode Island. Nothing strange about that you might think. Except that, Tom was wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with the words ‘ I heart T S’. The actor, who is rumoured to be in the running to be the next James Bond was also wearing transfer heart tattoo.
The couple were on the beach with a large group of friends celebrating Independence Day and Swift was looking stunning in a red bikini. The couple were also joined by a number of other celebrities including Ryan Reynolds and Ruby Rose of Orange is the New Black fame.

The very public displays of affection have lead many to questions if in fact their relationship is real or just a show for the cameras. Others have commented that the relationship is all to raise Tom’s profile in America so that he will be a more credible candidate for the role of Bond.

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