Broadcaster Katie Hopkins is to leave her show on LBC immediately following her controversial comments made earlier this week. The former Apprentice star was speaking on the social media site Twitter when she said that a ‘final solution’ was needed in the wake of the Manchester bombings. She later altered the Tweet, suggesting that it was a mistype and that she actually meant to say ‘true solution.’ Both Hopkins declined to comment further when approached by the BBC.
Hopkins is well-known for her controversial comments and has been widely criticised in the past for her stance on issues such as immigration and overweight people. It is reported that many people reported Hopkins for inciting racial and religious hatred. The police have confirmed that the issue will be ‘reviewed and assessed by specialist officers.’ After Hopkins sent the Tweet, fellow LBC presenter, James O’Brien, said he was ashamed to share a platform with the writer and broadcaster. He branded her ‘a monstrous self-publicist’ who ’employs the vilest of thoughts and language in a desperate attempt to stay relevant and get noticed.’
The food writer Jack Monroe recently won thousands in damages after a court battle declared Katie’s Tweets caused the writer serious harm. She was also forced to apologise to a Muslim family after she suggested that they were terrorists after they were denied travel to the US under Trump’s executive order.