Dustin Hoffman latest celebrity to be named in Hollywood sex scandal

Dustin Hoffman is the latest celebrity to become embroiled in the sex scandal surrounding Hollywood with a woman accusing the actor of sexual assault. The woman claims that she was subjected to his unwanted advances when she was working on one of his projects when she was just 17-years-old.

Hoffman has apologised for any offence that he may have caused through his previous behaviour. ‘I have the utmost respect for women and feel terrible that anything I might have done could have put her in an uncomfortable situation. I am sorry. It is not reflective of who I am.’

Speaking about the situation, which happened in 1985, the woman said ‘I loved the attention from Dustin Hoffman. Until I didn’t.’ She also added that he was very flirtatious on set. ‘He was openly flirtatious, he grabbed my ass, he talked about sex to me and in front of me. One morning I went to his dressing room to take his breakfast order; he looked at me and grinned, taking his time. Then he said, ‘I’ll have a hard-boiled egg…and a soft-boiled clitoris.’

She has claimed that Hoffman also accused her of being too provocative when Warren Beaty visited the set of the film. He told her ‘You might as well have undressed yourself. You were saying, ‘F–k me, f–k me, Warren.’

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