Australian actor Hugh Jackman has once again announced that he is suffering from skin cancer. The Wolverine star announced the shocking news via social media to his fans around the world. This is not the first time that Jackman has been struck down with the terrible disease – this is his sixth operation to remove a skin cancer since his first diagnosis back in 2013.
The type of skin cancer which Jackman is suffering from is known as BCC. It is the second most common form of skin cancer after melanoma but it is also very treatable due to the fact that it spread very slowly and normally responds very well to treatment. Jackman, who grew up in sunny Australia, has urged fans around the world to protect themselves from the sun and avoid putting themselves at risk of skin cancer in the future.
After Jackman announced that he was suffering from the disease, Google saw a huge spike in the number of people searching for the symptoms of BCC. Hugh is said to be doing well and is back at home resting after his operation to remove the skin cancer. We all wish him the very best for the future and hope that he makes a full and complete recovery!