Beyonce holds silence at concert in Scotland

On Thursday night at her concert in Glasgow Beyonce paid tribute to victims of the Police shooting in the United States. Taking time out of her normal upbeat numbers the star paid her respects to the members of the black community who had been shot by police officers. Several names of victims of police brutality were then displayed on the screen behind the All the Single Ladies singer.

Queen Bey also posted a touching message on her website in reference to the week’s events. She said ‘We are sick and tired of the killings of young men and women in our communities. It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us. We don’t need sympathy. We need everyone to respect our lives.’ During the silence, Beyonce and her dancers formed an X formation on the stage. Several theories of why they did this have been suggested but  it believed that it is a tribute toMalcolmm X who campaigned for racial equality in the United States.

However, she put the tragadies behind her as she continued her tour in Ireland on Saturday night. The show was well received by both fans and ciritcs of Beyone who praised the star’s highly energetic performance. There were seveal shots of the concert posted on social media, though the star, who is married to rapper Jay Z, banned any professional photographers from attending.

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